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The Economist(エコノミスト)2008/01/12発売号

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英国The Economist(エコノミスト)


出版社: The Economist Newspaper Limited

America wants change; it just can't work out what sort of change ビジネス誌に"プラスアルファ゛を求める人に、The Economist 現状の把握だけなら誰でもできるはず。しかし、The Economist誌は精密な調査と独自の見解に基づき、世の中の「これから」を分析します。自分のビジネスが直面している問題に対する意思決定を常に求められる今日、The Economist誌は最大の武器と言えるで ... /~\で詳細を表示




英国The Economist(エコノミスト)の定価と割引価格




英国The Economist(エコノミスト)の発行日




英国The Economist(エコノミスト)の目次


  ====== ◆On the cover America wants change; it just can't work out what sort of change ====== ◆The world this week Politics this week Business this week KAL's cartoon ====== ◆Leaders America's election Up in the air Colour revolutions in the former Soviet Union A bit faded but still bright enough Emerging-market multinationals Wind of change America's economy A long slog America in the Middle East George Bush drinks in the last-chance casbah ====== ◆Letters On Kenya, beauty, Canadian workers, Muslims, words, shopping malls ====== ◆United States The Democrats The Comeback Kid, part two The Republicans The Mac is back Primary colour On the campaign trail Obamamania Has the magical mystery tour hit the buffers? Kenya Saving the world in his spare time Nevada and California Into the West Bipartisanship Squeezed out? Lexington The Republican crack-up ====== ◆The Americas Venezuela Chavez slows to a trot Chile The centre cannot hold Peru Suffer the children Canada Islam and phobias Brazil The granny from Ipanema Correction: Mexico's oil industry ====== ◆Asia Islam in Indonesia Where “soft Islam” is on the march Executions in China The bullet or the needle Marshall Islands Home on the range Censorship in China Caution: lust Nepal The tumbrel rolls ... /~\で詳細を表示

英国The Economist(エコノミスト) の関連雑誌

【ビジネス・経済】BOSS(月刊ボス) - 経営塾BusinessWeek (ビジネスウィーク)Asian EditionFORTUNE(フォーチュン)PRESIDENT(プレジデント)Right Now! (ライトナウ)TIME(タイム)ニューズウィーク日本版 Newsweek Japanハーバードビジネスレビュー日本版フィナンシャルジャパンフォーサイト



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